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Le Dessert de Nos Ancêtres – Dessert of Our Ancestors.
(with an intro longer than the recipe) 

1 slice of chewy french bread, not baguette but more of a french country loaf – Italian bread will also work 

heavy (whipping) cream, UNwhipped 

maple sugar, grated 

 Place your slice of white bread in a shallow bowl. Make sure it is laying flat. Pour heavy cream over top, enough to cover the bread and dribble down the sides some. Grate maple sugar over top – enough maple sugar to lightly cover the slice of bread. Have EMT's on standby while eating. 

If I were to guess amounts, I would think about 1/2 cup of cream, and 2 of the small maple leaves of maple candy. This won't work with whole wheat bread, evaporated skim milk, and Splenda brown sugar. Someone asked. I suggest you eat the original version and drink water for the rest of the day.